TEKTRO Europe GmbH
August-Bebel-Strasse 10
67454 Haßloch
info @
Amtsgericht Ludwigshafen am Rhein HRB 66548
Ust.-IdNr: DE 326593632
Responsible for the content of these page:
Thomas Lattke, Managing Director
Photos © Dirk Belling
We expressly point out that all information on this website offers no promise or guarantee. Any liability arising from incorrect, incomplete or obsolete information is excluded. TEKTRO web pages have contained links to the web pages of other providers, over which we have no influence. Therefore, we cannot provide any guarantee for the correctness and quality of the information provided in them.
The content and structure of this online service is protected by copyright. Unless stated otherwise, the reproduction of information or data, particularly the use of texts, excerpts form texts or images requires the prior approval of TEKTRO.